Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the universe, Noman Sami

Happy brithday to worlds most beautiful girl

 Noman Sami, a young actor from Pakistan Showbiz Industry, has sent a loving message to actress Aliza Shah on her birthday.

 On the photo and video sharing app Instagram, Noman Sami shared his photo with Aliza Shah and wrote, "Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the universe."

Noman Sami wrote, "I pray that there will be no sorrow in your life and may God fill your life with happiness."
 Expressing his love for Aliza Shah, 

he wrote, "You will always be in my prayers and I will always be with you."

 Aliza Shah, on the other hand, shared this loving post of Noman Sami on her Instagram account.

She wrote, "I have no words to describe the way you have made my birthday special."

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Words cannot express how much happiness these beautiful birthday wishes brought to me i loved it !!! & I Love You !!! ❤️❤️❤️ thankyou so much @noamansami for everything you've done 🥺 its such a blessing to have such a caring & kind person in my life 🤗🙌🏻. .🐰🐣. . #Repost @noamansami with @make_repost ・・・ Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the universe, May the guardian angels watch you all the time and sadness not know you, May joy and greatness surround you always and above all, may God bless you today and always. You have all my prayers i love you and i will always be there for you ❤️🐣🐰@alizehshahofficial #BirthdayGirl #AlizehShah #NoamanSami Repost @noamansami with @make_repost ・・・

A post shared by Alizeh Shah (@alizehshahofficial) on

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 "I love you very much and you are the most beautiful blessing of my life," wrote Aliza Shah.

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