Locked down in pakistan, beauty parlors closed due to coronavirus, Queens of beauty, now looking.

What stopped the beauty parlors from the Corona virus?  

mahira khan images
Mahira Khan

The faces of the beautiful-looking actresses have changed.

 Parlors are also closed in the country where the system is suspended due to the Karuna virus.  

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Mawra Hussain

Referring to women on social media, the parlors are closed. What will happen to women now?  Locked down actresses who care about their beauty are imprisoned at home. Mini-Care Pedicure, Facial Eyebrows are all set up.  

Sharing Photos  Mahira Khan, Mawra Hussain, Kabri Khan, Haniya Aamir, Yemen Zaidi, Hina Altaf are all sharing their time with their busy lives and sharing photos at home. 

 The fans have expressed their mixed thoughts on this. On the make-up image of Mehra Khan, the fans said that the make-up looks beautiful too.  One user wrote if the expert is beautiful then I am Miss Universe.

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